- Use BPA-free unused soda or water bottles for water, rice, bean, or grain storage.
- Grow and eat something, even if that’s just sprouts on the window sill.
- Cook your own food, so you learn and save money.
- Dehydrate food.
- Learn to forage, hunt, or fish in your local area, then process and eat what you gather.
- Invest in a good map and learn to read a compass.
- Build a bugout or everyday carry bag.
- Build your pantry one can at a time.
- Build a great first aid kit one item at a time.
- Repair, recycle, and reuse containers, anything and everything.
- Get rechargeable batteries and devices, and a means to charge them without central power.
- Learn to save seeds and start a windowsill garden.
- Form a buying co-op to get more for less and split it up.
- Buy one bag of rice, dry beans, and a few Ramen with each trip to the store.
- Buy one extra canned good and one bag of pasta per trip to the store.
- Don’t throw out gently used trainers or sneakers. Put them in your bug-out bag stuffed with extra socks.
- Buy zip ties, bungee cords, a paracord, and a tarp. They’re amazingly useful.
- Stock up on garbage bags and wet wipes.
- Have emergency mylar blankets in your bags.
- Pack new small games for kids and a deck of cards.