Regardless of the situation, the most valuable resource you possess after food, water, and shelter are the skills you can bring to bear to survive and to help others to survive. Unlike food or water or shelter, you can’t be robbed of your learned skills. All the tools in the world, all the neat survival gadgets, are rendered useless if you don’t have the skills to properly use them. And, though much can be said about pursuing recession or depression proof occupations, jobs can evaporate in a truly horrific grid down situation. When your job is rendered non-essential, will you have the skills you need to survive? In this blog, we’ll look at 10 skills to develop that will be sought after and actually pay during a depression.
While we often look in the prepper community gear as important (and it is), skills are just as important, if not more so, as they can not be taken from you and are an asset that can provide returns. The value of these skills really became apparent during the great depression in the 1930s, but all of them date back thousands of years. While jobs and careers may disappear amongst the waves of an ever-increasing unemployment rate, just like our grandparents, great or great-great-grandparents, having a set of skills can keep you and your family alive. You may choose just one skill to learn, but you will be more successful with a range of these basic skills. Here are the top 10 skills to know before the world falls apart that would be very valuable to have and would actually generate income in the event of a major economic downturn.