How to Substitute Mini Marshmallows for Large Ones: A Quick and Easy Guide

by City Prepping
Hot Fudge with Marshmallows

Hi Everyone,


**So, oddly enough, I decided to make some fudge and bought some mini marshmallows.  But when I got home, I noticed the recipe called for 32 large marshmallows.  I KNEW someone on Google would know how to substitute mini’s for large.  Sure enough, 10 mini’s = 1 large (by weight).  No way I’m going to count out 320 mini marshmallows.  So I found one by weight.

10 oz. mini marshmallows = 40 large marshmallows.  Which is great, but I only wanted 32 marshmallows.  (I get to do math…I’m in heaven!)  Set up an easy ratio:

40  =   32             the number of marshmallows needed

10        X              the number of ounces of minis

Whenever one fraction equals another fraction, you just cross multiply to find the answer.  40X = 32 x 10    40X=320

Now divide both sides by 40 and x = 8.  8 ounces of mini marshmallows will equal 32 large marshmallows.  Yay!

Also, I learned that I can dehydrate mini marshmallows.  Who knew?  When you add them to hot chocolate, they re-hydrate and taste fine!  Double Yay!


**I finally pulled out all the tomatoes.  They were just done.

I thinned the carrots and actually got one that was about 4 inches long.  Hopefully, the thinning will let the other carrots grow.  I also took most of the outside stalks off the celery and got them dehydrated.  The celery is still hanging in there.  I’ve planted two small trays of lettuce.  They are sitting on the kitchen counter waiting to sprout.

**  I think I mentioned that I was going to try growing some medicinal flowers.  I just happened to read the back of one of the envelopes (who does that?) and it says to put the seeds in a baggie with wet paper towels and put in the refrigerator for 30 days before planting.  So…mental note…if you want to grow something different this year, be sure to read the directions ahead of time and not wait until planting day!!!

THIS WEEK’S PURCHASE: baking soda, baking powder; vanilla; yeast

December is when I buy new.  The leavening agent in these is only good for about a year.  Get two of each.  If you never use baking powder–get one anyway.

And in case you’ve wondered what the difference is, I’ve attached a great explanation below.

Other baking items to get could include vanilla and yeast.  You CAN buy real vanilla.  However, according to experts, it doesn’t make a difference in the taste of most things you make.  So save a few pennies and use imitation for most of your baking needs.

Keep your yeast in the refrigerator between uses, and if you don’t ever use it, keep it in the freezer.  

MISC. PURCHASE:  Cold and flu medications

This is the season.  Whatever cold medications you use, get them now.  Don’t wait until you need them.


Basic Sweet Dough using whole wheat

from “Wheat For Man” by Vernice G. Rosenvall,

In a small cup dissolve

2 TB yeast in 1/2 c. warm water and 1 tsp sugar.  Let sit 3-4 minutes

2 eggs beaten

1/2 c. brown sugar or honey

1 tsp salt

1/2 c. vegetable oil or butter

1/2 c. canned milk

1/2 c. hot water

    Combine and then stir in the yeast mix.

3 1/2 – 4 c. whole wheat flour – add a little at a time, beating well.  After adding most of the flour, let the dough sit for 5-10 minutes so the flour can absorb the liquid.  Continue to add the flour in small amounts until it is a soft dough.  Turn out on a lightly floured board and knead well until the surface is smooth and satiny.  Place in a greased bowl.  Cover and let rise until double.  Punch down, and let rise again for 30 minutes.  This second rising makes rolls with finer texture.  Punch down and let rest 10 minutes.  Shape into desired rolls.  Cover and let rise until double.  Bake 20-25 minutes at 350˚-375˚.  Makes about 2 1/2 dozen rolls.

Use this same dough for cinnamon rolls, or orange rolls, or swedish tea rings which have fruity fillings of raisins, or apples, chopped nuts, and cinnamon/sugar.

Hot Fudge Sauce

I love making my own hot fudge.  THIS recipe is really good:

1/4 c. butter

4 oz. baking chocolate or chocolate chips

    Melt together in a small pan, stirring frequently

8 oz. evaporated milk or half and half.  Slowly whisk in.

3/4 c. sugar mixed with

6-8 TB unsweetened cocoa depending on how chocolate-y you want the hot fudge to be.

    Slowly whisk in the sugar/cocoa mix into the melted mix.

Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.  Reduce to simmer for 2-3 minutes stirring constantly.  Remove from heat and stir in

2 tsp vanilla

Serve warm

Then I got thinking about making this from cocoa only.  Can you substitute cocoa for chocolate chips??  Well, yes you can!  9 Best Substitutes for Chocolate Chips (in Anything)

3 TB cocoa, 1 1/2 tsp butter, shortening or oil, and 1-1 1/2 tsp sugar will substitute for 2 ounces of chocolate chips.  Add the sugar to the dry ingredients after the cocoa and butter are added to the recipe’s liquid ingredients.  Since the recipe above calls for 4 oz. of chocolate chips, this substitution should be easy to do.  

Knowing I can make hot fudge from shelf stable ingredients makes my heart happy!!!  OR, of course, you can purchase a few jars and just hide them away!

Pasta Salad

I love this because it can be totally shelf stable.  I like to use fresh tomatoes, but if you don’t have them, just use a can of diced tomatoes instead.  I also like to use chopped green onions.  These are easy to grow from the bulbs of onions you may have used.  Don’t toss them away, put them in a shallow dish and they will regrow.

1 lb. rotelli colored spiral pasta – cook and drain

1 can corn drained

1 can petite peas, drained

1 can sliced olives, drained

1 can black eyed peas (my family doesn’t like this even though I do, so I usually omit)

3 diced roma tomatoes

     Mix all together.  


1/2 c. Newman’s Own Olive and Vinegar Dressing (I usually keep 2-3 on hand)

2 TB sugar

1 tsp accent

1 TB lime juice (just from a bottle)

Stir, stir, stir and pour over pasta.

If it seems dry, just add more dressing.

If you leave it in the refrigerator overnight, the pasta will continue to absorb the dressing and you may have to add a little more.

Marti Shelley

Written by Kris a.k.a. City Prepping

Kris created The City Prepping Community to foster a tight-knit community of people that are inspired to become more self-sufficient, safe and secure. His Youtube channel has 142M views and counting and has been involved with emergency preparedness for nearly 30 years, including humanitarian work in impoverished areas of Mexico and Afghanistan. 

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