Essential Wheat Storage Tips & Delicious Recipes for Disaster Preparedness

Wheat Berries - 21 Grains

Hi Everyone,

Time to share these posters with you again.  Start with the first poster, and be ready for the first 3 minutes.  Then move forward.  

First 3 minutes after a disaster

First 3 hours after a disaster

First 3 Days after a disaster.

**  Look at me!  Rotating my food.  

Oil can go rancid and is not supposed to last more than 2 years or so.  My shortening and peanut butter go bad after about that long, but I’ve had good luck with Canola oil and Olive Oil. 

** Last week I mentioned that I had canned some chicken thighs.  We opened one for dinner:

​Green beans from the garden, picked about a month ago, blanched and frozen,Canning Chicken potatoes from the garden (I cured them on a sheet in the spare bedroom and they are now living in the closet), and canned chicken.  It was amazingly delicious and took all of about 10 minutes (mostly to cook the beans and potatoes).


Last year I tried planting some tomatoes in August.  I think I also tried some zucchini.  Frankly, it was too hot, and when it cooled off, and the plants began to grow, then it got too cold and they never produced.  I felt like it was a big waste of time.  But every year is different and who knows?  

I got back from vacation and found that my lettuce looks like this:

Lettuce pests and insectsI have another two weeks of vacation coming up and really don’t want to mess with this right now.  I think I’m going to pull it all up and start over in September when I can give these plants some TLC.

I’m also taking out some of the zucchini that is drowning in powdery mildew (because I was gone), and some of the tomatoes that were done producing.  

As my garden winds down, I am NOT going to grow anything over the winter except maybe more lettuce.  

It’s exhausting!


    The best deal is #10 can of wheat for $6.82 at any Home Storage Facility.  The cheapest online that I could find was here:  Non-GMO Project Verified Hard White Wheat Berries | 100% Non-Irradiated | Kosher Parve | USA Grown | Field Traced (5 lb Burlap) This is $17.95 for about the same amount of wheat (5 pounds).  AND, you will have to repackage it.

    For those who have stored wheat, try opening a can and using it. Use wheat in recipes your family already likes.  Try wheat in desserts — cookies and brownies.  Do not feel you must use 100% wheat.  Half white and half whole wheat gives excellent results.  Just remember that wheat flour is heavier than white flour and needs more leavening.  In yeast breads, use more yeast and/or let it rise longer.  In baking powder products, increase baking powder by 1 tsp for every 3 c. whole wheat flour.  For baking soda recipes, the amount does not need to be adjusted.  If the baked product uses eggs, separate the eggs and beat the whites stiff.  Then fold in ust before baking.  For extra lightness, an extra separated egg may be added.  Good for waffles and especially cakes.

If you boil the wheat in water for 5-10 minutes, it will approximately double in volume.  This makes an excellent meat extender when added to meatloaf or meatballs, chili, and recipes where rice is used.  Soak a little wheat overnight in salt water and add to your bread recipe to give a nut-like taste.

If you do not have a wheat grinder, just ask around.  I’m sure someone near you has one.

MISC. PURCHASE: Tuck some cash into your 72-hour kit.  See if you can spare $20 this week in small bills.  Don’t have a 72-hour kit?  Put it in an envelope and put it in with the spare tire.  Then you won’t be tempted to spend it on fast food!!!


Wheat Waffles

Makes 8 waffles
2 c. flour (1 c. white and 1 c. wheat)
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 TB sugar

    You can substitute 2 TB honey, but if you do, mix it in with the other wet ingredients.

   Whisk all these dry ingredients together.

Separate 2 eggs.  Add the yolks to the mix and beat the egg whites to stiff.
To the dry ingredients, add 6 TB salad oil
1 3/4 c. milk

     If you use nonfat dry milk, add the powder to the dry ingredients and the water with the wet ingredients.

Mix and then fold in the egg whites.

Chinese Fried Wheat

Makes 8 servings
1 c. cracked wheat (sift out flour before cooking)

    Cracked wheat can be made in a blender by using the “chop” selection.  You can also use a food processor or a nut chopper.

Put wheat in 2 1/2 c. water
add 1/2 tsp salt

      Boil and cook for 20-30 min.  Drain off thick liquid (save for gravy).  Wash wheat with cold water to make it fluffy.  Press wheat to remove all moisture possible.  Set aside.

1 TB oil – heat in a skillet.
1 beaten egg.  Slowly add stirring rapidly with fork so egg is light and fluffy.  Set aside.

Add another 2 TB vegetable oil.

1 minced onion
1/4 c. diced celery

    Cook until tender.

Add back in the wheat

2 TB soy sauce
bacon or ham
cooked egg

Heat through

You can make gravy with the drained water.  

In a skillet, mix
2 TB vegetable oil
2 TB flour

    Stir together and heat in skillet.  Remove from heat and
Add the 1 c. drained wheat water, or water from any vegetables or meat.  Season to taste.

Cracked Wheat Casserole

Makes 6 servings
1 lb. ground beef – brown
1/2 c. chopped onion
1 small garlic clove minced

     Add to beef and cook.  Then drain off grease.

1/2 c. uncooked cracked wheat
1 tsp beef bouillon
1 1/2 c. water
1 tsp beef bouillon
2 TB chopped parsley
1/4 tsp oregano leaves
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

     Combine all the rest of the ingredients.  Bake in a tightly covered 1 1/2 quart casserole dish for 45 min. or until the cracked wheat is tender and water has been absorbed.

1/4 c. Parmesan cheese
1 c. chopped tomatoes – fresh or canned

Stir in the tomatoes and cheese and let stand a minute before serving.   



Written by Kris a.k.a. City Prepping

Kris created The City Prepping Community to foster a tight-knit community of people that are inspired to become more self-sufficient, safe and secure. His Youtube channel has 142M views and counting and has been involved with emergency preparedness for nearly 30 years, including humanitarian work in impoverished areas of Mexico and Afghanistan. 

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